Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Walking When Running
If this nice stretch of weather has you enjoying the outdoors, running more, keep it up! But if you need to stop and walk occasionally, don’t worry about it – in fact, it’s good for you! Whether your goal is to build distance or conserve energy for the long haul, plenty of runners take walk…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How To Combat Monday Dread
It’s the start of a new work week, but did you dread it all day yesterday with a case of the “Sunday scaries”? That’s when you’ve got anxiety about the week ahead – it starts in the middle of the day when you realize the weekend is nearly over, builds throughout the evening, and may…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Health Myths
You eat right, you exercise, you stay healthy – but are you doing the right things, or are there some health myths you’ve subscribed to? Maybe you’ve heard that coffee stunts your growth. Not true – it’s really genetics, and the only real medical condition a cup of coffee will give you is a slight…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Easy Ways To Be More Liked By Others
We all want to be liked. But if you want people to like you even more, there are three easy things you can do. First – be seen often. Being seen by people more often makes them more likely to enjoy being around you. And that also means, when you’re working from home, you have…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Flat Vs. Carbonated Water – Which Is Healthier?
You already know drinking water is important to maintain health and hydration. But if you prefer sparkling to flat water, it might be damaging your teeth! Carbonated water is just as hydrating, but the fizzy water may not be giving you a nutrient you need. Carbonated water doesn’t have the fluoride that tap water has.…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: When To Exercise For Better Sleep
If you want a healthier lifestyle, you need to exercise regularly, as well as plenty of rest and recovery. Sleep is a pillar of health, and we need enough so that we’re not irritable, groggy, and are able to exercise efficiently. And regular exercise is important so that we sleep better. But when’s the best…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why You Wake Up Still Feeling Tired
When you woke up this morning, did you feel like you could go right back to bed for another night’s sleep? There are a few reasons why you might be waking up too tired: First, if you have a sedentary lifestyle where you sit all day and don’t exercise, your body may be too used…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Take A Nap This Weekend
Have you been feeling off lately? Not getting as much rest as you feel like you need? Well, this weekend may be the best weekend to take a nap. There are a few reasons why napping is actually good for our health: First, it can recharge your brain. Studies show that napping improves our memory,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Ways Your Dentist Finds Things That Affect Your Overall Health
Going to the dentist regularly to keep your teeth intact is probably the reason many of us go. But believe it or not, your dentist may be able to spot things that affect your overall health – just from looking at your mouth! First, beyond taking care of your teeth and gums, your dentist can…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Breakfast For Your Brain
You know you should be eating breakfast every day – not just a cup of coffee on the go and calling it breakfast. Actual food. It’s important to have a high-quality meal to help you get through the workday and boost overall brain health. And you want to try to have it within an hour…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Does The Food Sniff Test Actually Work?
Have you ever grabbed leftovers from the fridge and smelled it to make sure it was good to eat? Well, it turns out that really doesn’t work. Food scientists say there’s no way to tell if food is safe to eat based on smell – only if the quality has decreased. For instance, milk may…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Go Online To Eat Healthier
You want to eat healthier, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. But it’s doable – and it may be as simple as just not going to the store! A new study shows that those who bought their groceries online spent a lot less on junk food than when they shopped in person. And it…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Solo Walking For Better Exercise
You already know walking is good for you, and it’s fun to walk with a significant other – but if you’re doing that for exercise, a new study shows that having a partner may actually reduce the health benefits of walking! The study found that the slower walked didn’t speed up to keep up with…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Do This In The Morning For More Energy Through The Day
If you want a bit more energy during the day, there’s a few things you can do each morning to help out the rest of the day: First things first – even before you get out of bed, take ten deep breaths. Closing your eyes and focusing on breathing can help you start the day…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Sleeping To Lose Weight
Many of us struggle with weight loss, but beyond diet and exercise, there’s another thing you may not have tried – sleeping more! A new study tracked how many hours people slept with how many calories they consumed. Participants who got a full 8 hours consumed on average 270 fewer calories per day. For some…… Continue Reading