WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

A young woman chooses which bra to wear while standing in front of a neatly arranged wardrobe. The concept of underwear storage and space organization. Top view.

WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

Did you know today is Get Organized Day! If that’s not motivation enough to do spring cleaning, the fact that getting organized can improve your health might!

First, you’ll sleep better – if your bedroom is messy, studies have found your quality of sleep goes down.

Plus, you’ll also breathe easier – a messy home usually means you’re not dusting regularly, and some who think they’re allergic to pollen might just need to clean more.

When you have stuff lying around cluttered, your brain is visually overstimulated and it’s hard to focus on anything. And beyond that, clutter affects our mental health – holding or hoarding possessions beyond their intended use can affect us emotionally, physically, socially, and financially.

So, it may be a late start, but you can still get some spring cleaning done this weekend!

Image Credit: Kostikova / iStock / Getty Images Plus