WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

MRI of brain of a healthy person with green illumination. Magnetic resonance scan. Medical healthcare concept

WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

As we age, so do our brains – but there is a way to help keep our brains younger – learning a second language.

Two recent studies looked at individuals who could at least understand a second language, and those who were most fluent did much better on cognitive tests.

Scientists believe those who can speak multiple languages train their brains to shift and focus on different things rapidly.

The most incredible part of the study was they found that being bilingual can help delay and avoid things like dementia and Alzheimer’s by an extra five to seven years.

If learning a new language has been on your to-do list, get started – your brain will thank you!

Image Credit: Borislav / iStock / Getty Images Plus