WEBE Wellness: How To Resist Looking At Your Phone First Thing In The Morning

Alarm Clock Snooze Off On Women Mobile Phone

WEBE Wellness: How To Resist Looking At Your Phone First Thing In The Morning

Think back to when you woke up this morning, did you immediately reach for your phone? It’s not a good habit to begin the day immediately scrolling – but there are a few tips that can help you break the habit:

First – use an actual alarm clock! Most of us use our phones, but if you use a true alarm clock, you won’t be as tempted to start scrolling.

If you do need the phone as an alarm, keep it in another room, and have it be loud enough to hear it – or if you do keep it in the bedroom, move it to the far corner so you must physically get up to get it – you won’t be tempted to keep lying in bed looking at it.

Change up how you start your morning – instead of looking at the phone first, maybe read a book or do some light stretching to resist the urge.

Finally, if you absolutely need to have the phone nearby, both Android and iPhones have functions that will limit access to apps at designated times – don’t allow them to be accessed until after you’re at work.

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