WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

Close up of coffee being brewed by the machine flowing through portafilter into the cup at cafe

WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

Are you a regular coffee drinker? If so, it’s probably affecting your health – both positively and negatively at the same time.

Coffee drinkers get more steps in each day than non-coffee drinkers. But, by staying more active, they’re also getting less sleep overall.

The caffeine gets you moving – about 1,000 more steps per day on average. But the caffeine keeps you up – you get about 36 minutes less sleep at night. And the more coffee you drink, the less sleep you’ll get.

The big takeaway is that coffee shouldn’t be looked at as either good or bad for your health, because the effects are different. But if you do value one benefit over the other, take into consideration just how much coffee you drink every day.

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