WEBE Wellness: Do This In The Morning For More Energy Through The Day

happy woman stretches and opens the curtains at window in morning

WEBE Wellness: Do This In The Morning For More Energy Through The Day

If you want a bit more energy during the day, there’s a few things you can do each morning to help out the rest of the day:

First things first – even before you get out of bed, take ten deep breaths. Closing your eyes and focusing on breathing can help you start the day more relaxed.

Drink more water – while you should be doing it throughout the day already, if you’ve been asleep for a few hours, that means your body has gone all that time without hydrating. Coffee counts towards this, but make sure you get regular water too.

It’s hard to motivate yourself to exercising first thing in the morning, but those who do usually have more energy for the rest of the day.

Have a proper breakfast – high in protein and good fats will help maintain energy; a lot of sugar will bring that inevitable crash later in the day.

And finally, don’t check your phone right when you get up – keep boundaries and don’t check e-mail or social media right away, and your day will start off on a better note.

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