WEBE Wellness: Relaxing At The Gym

Young attractive woman practicing yoga at home, lying in Savasana exercise, Corpse pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black shorts and top, indoor close up image, studio background, side view

WEBE Wellness: Relaxing At The Gym

When you hear the word exercise, you think about working out in the gym, running, or other strenuous activities. But what’s the hot new trend in exercise? Doing nothing and not breaking a sweat!

A new report shows that many gyms are offering mellow workout classes.

Gentle workouts are in demand – like meditation and yoga. And now gyms have recovery rooms, where you can lounge, or grab a massage. Stretching classes exist too, where you can just lie down on a pillow if you want.

Part of the reason is that the pandemic led to us being more out of shape than usual, so we’re taking it slower. But our priorities have changed – we care less about looking good and would simply rather feel good.

So, next time you hit the gym…relax!

Image Credit: fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus