Every weekday at 4:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Bad Eating Habits To Break

WEBE Wellness: Bad Eating Habits To Break

It’s tough to break bad habits. And those revolving around food can be especially hard to break. But there are some we do daily that you should avoid, because it can be really harming your health: Don’t skip breakfast – it’s one of our worst habits – and you end up overeating the rest of…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Tips For Sleep Trouble

WEBE Wellness: Tips For Sleep Trouble

Have you been getting by on just 5 or 6 hours of sleep? It’s possible, as nearly a third of us aren’t getting the recommended 7+ hours we need per night. A lack of sleep will affect your waking hours – in the short-term, a loss of attention span, poor decision-making, fatigue, and irritability are…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Living Optimistically

WEBE Wellness: Living Optimistically

When times are tough, it’s a challenge to remain positive. But if you can do it – you might live longer. A new study found that optimism can add years to your life. This study lasted over two decades! They asked a lot of questions over the years of 160,000 people – and the ones…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

As we age, so do our brains – but there is a way to help keep our brains younger – learning a second language. Two recent studies looked at individuals who could at least understand a second language, and those who were most fluent did much better on cognitive tests. Scientists believe those who can…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Simple Daily Steps For A Longer Life

WEBE Wellness: Simple Daily Steps For A Longer Life

If you want to add years to your life, all you need is five minutes. And this comes from an expert on longevity! A few quick things to do every day to extend your life starts with habit stacking. This is where you add something positive to what you’re already doing, like practicing mindfulness while…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How Old You Are Vs. How Old You Feel

WEBE Wellness: How Old You Are Vs. How Old You Feel

There are two things – how old you are and how old you feel. And for most of us, we don’t feel our age. A new study shows that we think or feel we’re about 20% younger than we are. Meaning a 30-year-old feels 24; a 40-year-old feels like they’re in their early 30s; and…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Secret To Looking Younger

WEBE Wellness: The Secret To Looking Younger

This is the week for new year’s resolutions – and one of them for all of us should be to stay hydrated. It’s important for your overall health, and a new study has found it’ll help you live longer – those who don’t drink enough water have a 20% shorter life expectancy! But, before you…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Pick Up The Pace!

WEBE Wellness: Pick Up The Pace!

You already know exercise is good for you – and high-intensity interval training is even better. Simply put, you do more in less time for a better workout. But what about when it comes to walking? After all, it’s the most common form of exercise – how can you be doing more with a daily…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How Much Sleep Is Perfect?

WEBE Wellness: How Much Sleep Is Perfect?

Think back to last night – did you get enough sleep? Did you get that magic number of hours that you need – and, really, what is that number? Well researchers have the answer – seven hours is the perfect amount for mental health. If you’re between the ages of 38 and 73, you want…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

Are you a regular coffee drinker? If so, it’s probably affecting your health – both positively and negatively at the same time. Coffee drinkers get more steps in each day than non-coffee drinkers. But, by staying more active, they’re also getting less sleep overall. The caffeine gets you moving – about 1,000 more steps per…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Can You Have Too Much Free Time?

WEBE Wellness: Can You Have Too Much Free Time?

We all look forward to having free time – especially as we head into the weekend. But you either feel like you don’t have enough free time, or you have too much, and you become bored. But is having one better than the other? According to a new study, people are happier when they have…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Stick With It To Form New Habits

WEBE Wellness: Stick With It To Form New Habits

Maybe you’ve heard that to make a new habit stick, you’ve got to stick with it for 21 days. But if you’re on Day 20, you may have to keep going a bit longer. Researchers found that the magic 21 number isn’t based on any scientific fact, because other factors are at play, like what…Continue Reading