Allan Lamberti

Allan Lamberti | Weekdays 3-7pm

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About Allan

What is your favorite spot in Connecticut?


How long have you worked for WEBE108? What was your first job here?

3-7pm every day since October 2019!

What makes your station/show great?

Quite simply…WEBE108 is *the* station for Fairfield County! Literally *everyone* knows us!

Favorite band or artist of all time?

David Bowie never fails to make the list

What is the best concert you’ve ever seen?

An unannounced pop up Jimmy Buffett concert

TV show or Movie that you think someone should know about?

Better Call Saul

If you didn’t do radio, what would you do?

Talking about TV shows online

A skill you wish you had but sadly don’t?

The ability to draw comics or cartoons

If you are on death row and you have a final meal. What is it?

A ribeye and some Kraft macaroni and cheese, with a Shamrock shake

Tell us one fun fact about yourself

I can – and do – use my feet to pick things up like a monkey does.

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WEBE Wellness

WEBE Wellness: Live Longer With Art

WEBE Wellness: Live Longer With Art

If you’d like to live longer, there’s now an easy way to do it. Just embrace your inner artist. Neurologists at Johns Hopkins University and Google teamed up and discovered you can live 10 years longer if you spend 45 minutes a day doing some kind of art that you enjoy. And art isn’t simply…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Art Of Slow Living

WEBE Wellness: The Art Of Slow Living

Sometimes our lives are so busy, and we get so overwhelmed with activities and events, even beyond our normal work and home routines, that a vacation just won’t do the trick. To avoid getting overtired and burnt out, there’s a new trend online to combat just that – it’s called “slow living.” You’ll find it…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Ways Walking Helps Your Mental Health

WEBE Wellness: The Ways Walking Helps Your Mental Health

Now that we’ve got a stretch of a little less humid weather, take advantage! Taking daily walks helps you in numerous ways – burning calories, helping with heart health, improving your physical fitness and mobility. But there’s a lot of other ways you probably didn’t even realize a brisk walk can help you mentally: You’ll…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Add Years To Your Life With Coffee

WEBE Wellness: Add Years To Your Life With Coffee

You wake up and have coffee, you take a break in the middle of the day to go get coffee, you might even have some after a fancy dinner – and all of it could be adding YEARS to your life! A new study shows that two to three cups of coffee a day lowers…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Add 24 Years To Your Life

WEBE Wellness: Add 24 Years To Your Life

If someone said you could add a year to your life just for cutting out ice cream, you might say you weren’t interested. But would you be interested in adding two decades to your life? A new study shows that there are eight habits that you should adopt by the age of 40, and you…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Easier Ways To Achieve Your Goals

WEBE Wellness: Easier Ways To Achieve Your Goals

It’s not a new year, but with kids going back to school and Summer winding down, the first week of September is a good week to reset and think about your goals. Making new habits stick is hard, but not impossible, and there are a few steps to take to make achieving your goals easier.…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time Of Day To Burn Fat

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time Of Day To Burn Fat

Some of us are early birds, and some of us are night owls – but when it comes to burning more fat through exercise, one time is better than the other to do it. Scientists have found that morning exercise can boost fat metabolism. Now the study was done on mice – but they found…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Steps To Take For More Restful Sleep

WEBE Wellness: Steps To Take For More Restful Sleep

The first day after the weekend gives some of us a case of the Mondays – but you feel that way every day, there are some things that may be to blame that you can correct. The most common reason we’re tired is simple fatigue – not getting enough sleep after a busy weekend. But…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

You know the adage – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it’s not just a saying – a new study has revealed just how true it really is! Adults who skip breakfast don’t simply miss out on a lot, but it’ll affect their choices for the rest of the day. No…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Need Motivation? Talk To Yourself!

WEBE Wellness: Need Motivation? Talk To Yourself!

It happens to us all – sometimes we need a little extra motivation. But if there’s no one around and you need a self-pep talk, refer to yourself as “you” and not “I”. A new study found that when talking to yourself in the second person – like “you can do this” – running performance…Continue Reading