Congrats Lori! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Congrats Lori! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Lori from Branford won $628 Friday, November 17 by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly! Here are all the questions and correct answers.

Q1: This has never happened in a NFL game.

A: A head coach being thrown out.

Q2: The front and rear was in Westport.

A: Fore and Aft Bar (now Ed Mitchell’s).

Q3: You could build highway from San Francisco to New York with this.

A: The concrete from the Hoover Dam.

Q4: We can thank Jennifer Garner for this.

A: The worldwide popularity of “Elf On The Shelf”.

Q5: Where will you find Connecticut Avenue?

A: The light blue property in Monopoly.

Supported by Bigelow Tea