Congrats Carol! Winner of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Congrats Carol! Winner of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Carol from Milford won $1,188 this morning by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly! Here are all the questions and correct answers.

Q1: Most of the time, this does nothing!

A: A car! The average car is parked 95% of the time.

Q2: This is the number for Milford.

A: 47. The median age of Milford, CT.

Q3: This ’90s fad came from a high school shop class.

A: Slap bracelets.

Q4: There has never been more than six at once.

A: Living U.S. Presidents.

Q5: He has two famous trains on his resume.

A: Ringo! “Shining Time Station” and “Thomas The Tank Engine”.