Allan Lamberti

Allan Lamberti | Weekdays 3-7pm

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About Allan

What is your favorite spot in Connecticut?


How long have you worked for WEBE108? What was your first job here?

3-7pm every day since October 2019!

What makes your station/show great?

Quite simply…WEBE108 is *the* station for Fairfield County! Literally *everyone* knows us!

Favorite band or artist of all time?

David Bowie never fails to make the list

What is the best concert you’ve ever seen?

An unannounced pop up Jimmy Buffett concert

TV show or Movie that you think someone should know about?

Better Call Saul

If you didn’t do radio, what would you do?

Talking about TV shows online

A skill you wish you had but sadly don’t?

The ability to draw comics or cartoons

If you are on death row and you have a final meal. What is it?

A ribeye and some Kraft macaroni and cheese, with a Shamrock shake

Tell us one fun fact about yourself

I can – and do – use my feet to pick things up like a monkey does.

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WEBE Wellness

WEBE Wellness: The Best Diet You Haven’t Heard Of

WEBE Wellness: The Best Diet You Haven’t Heard Of

If you’re looking to drop some weight before summer officially gets here, you may be looking for the diet that best fits you – whether it’s simply weight loss, or how easy it is to follow, or how healthy they are overall. But if you’re simply looking to lose weight, the Flexitarian diet may be…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Which Color Banana Is Healthiest?

WEBE Wellness: Which Color Banana Is Healthiest?

When it comes to fruit, there’s few more popular at your grocery store than a banana. While most of us go for a bright yellow, some claim that when they’re brown, they’re actually healthier? So, does the color and condition of a banana matter – green, yellow, or brown – when it comes to health?…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Fruit For Your Bones

WEBE Wellness: The Best Fruit For Your Bones

When you go for fresh fruit, it’s usually because you want a quick and healthier snack option. But did you know there’s a fruit that can help you with your bones? Next time you’re in the produce aisle, grab some prunes. Prunes are rich in minerals, vitamin K, phenolic compounds, and dietary fiber—all which may…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Pass The Pepper

WEBE Wellness: Pass The Pepper

When it comes to seasoning food, you’ll find on every restaurant table salt and pepper. Next time, you might want to just reach for the pepper. It’s been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, but the health benefits are really being looked at and studied now. It’s high in antioxidants which helps lessen…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Cooking Oil You’re Not Using

WEBE Wellness: The Best Cooking Oil You’re Not Using

It’s unavoidable while cooking – sometimes a recipe calls for oil. But having the right oil in your cabinet isn’t just effective for your food, but also your health. But there’s one oil that’s not only good, but also has a lot of health benefits – and that’s avocado oil. The flavor is mild, so…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Secret Benefits Of Exercise

WEBE Wellness: The Secret Benefits Of Exercise

We all know that regular exercise helps you burn fat and lower heart disease risks, but there are other more subtle ways you might not expect that exercise helps us. While exercise helps clear our minds, it also helps with memory – enhanced synaptic activity was discovered in a new study, which means you might…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Midnight Snacks

WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Midnight Snacks

Occasionally, it’s fun to have a midnight snack. But instead of reaching for cookies, what are the best foods to eat late at night, according to nutritionists? Top of the list – walnuts. Lots of nutrients, and they’re loaded with melatonin so they might help you go back to sleep. Chocolate-covered nuts are good too…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Canned Foods

WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Canned Foods

You want to eat healthy tonight, but don’t have time to run to the supermarket? No problem – if your shelves are stocked for quick, nutritious meals. Canned food doesn’t have to just be full of sugars and sodium – there are some healthy ones to keep on hand that are just as healthy as…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: A Healthy Trick To Weight Loss

WEBE Wellness: A Healthy Trick To Weight Loss

With a new year upon us, many of us make a resolution – and oftentimes it’s regarding our health. Losing weight is difficult – it takes a lot of effort over a long time. The objective is to eat fewer calories, but simply trying to avoid excess calories rarely works. Keeping track of everything you…Continue Reading