Allan Lamberti

Allan Lamberti | Weekdays 3-7pm

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About Allan

What is your favorite spot in Connecticut?


How long have you worked for WEBE108? What was your first job here?

3-7pm every day since October 2019!

What makes your station/show great?

Quite simply…WEBE108 is *the* station for Fairfield County! Literally *everyone* knows us!

Favorite band or artist of all time?

David Bowie never fails to make the list

What is the best concert you’ve ever seen?

An unannounced pop up Jimmy Buffett concert

TV show or Movie that you think someone should know about?

Better Call Saul

If you didn’t do radio, what would you do?

Talking about TV shows online

A skill you wish you had but sadly don’t?

The ability to draw comics or cartoons

If you are on death row and you have a final meal. What is it?

A ribeye and some Kraft macaroni and cheese, with a Shamrock shake

Tell us one fun fact about yourself

I can – and do – use my feet to pick things up like a monkey does.

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WEBE Wellness

WEBE Wellness: The Perfect Nap Length

WEBE Wellness: The Perfect Nap Length

Well we moved the clocks back on Sunday, but maybe you’re still feeling the effects – a nap might help, as long as you don’t sleep too long. According to a specialist in behavorial sleep medicine, the perfect nap is 20 to 30 minutes – any longer, and you start to get into deep sleep,…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Relaxing At The Gym

WEBE Wellness: Relaxing At The Gym

When you hear the word exercise, you think about working out in the gym, running, or other strenuous activities. But what’s the hot new trend in exercise? Doing nothing and not breaking a sweat! A new report shows that many gyms are offering mellow workout classes. Gentle workouts are in demand – like meditation and…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: For A Longer Life, It’s Time To Get Moving!

WEBE Wellness: For A Longer Life, It’s Time To Get Moving!

If you want to live longer, sitting behind a desk or behind the wheel all day isn’t helping – you need daily movement! And it doesn’t require an expensive gym membership – you can start simple and add more movement right into your everyday life! Some tips to help get your moving: Keep your shoes…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Tea Vs. Coffee

WEBE Wellness: Tea Vs. Coffee

You probably had coffee this morning. Maybe even a coffee break this afternoon. But you may want to switch to tea – it may even be the healthiest drink in the world! First, it lowers blood pressure – it causes blood vessels to relax, which can keep your blood pressure in check. Since tea comes…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Halloween Candy Dentists Say To Avoid

WEBE Wellness: The Halloween Candy Dentists Say To Avoid

Just over a week to go until the big day and you already know you’re going to be raiding your kid’s Halloween candy and sneaking a few pieces – but here’s what dentists say to avoid, what candy causes the most havoc on our teeth: #1 is gummies – because they take so long to…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Sleeping To Lose Weight

WEBE Wellness: Sleeping To Lose Weight

Many of us struggle with weight loss, but beyond diet and exercise, there’s another thing you may not have tried – sleeping more! A new study tracked how many hours people slept with how many calories they consumed. Participants who got a full 8 hours consumed on average 270 fewer calories per day. For some…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Solo Walking For Better Exercise

WEBE Wellness: Solo Walking For Better Exercise

You already know walking is good for you, and it’s fun to walk with a significant other – but if you’re doing that for exercise, a new study shows that having a partner may actually reduce the health benefits of walking! The study found that the slower walked didn’t speed up to keep up with…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Day To Take Off Work

WEBE Wellness: The Best Day To Take Off Work

Sometimes you just need to take a day off from work – but what day should you take. How about tomorrow? Specifically, Wednesdays are the best day to take a day off. And this is directly from a college professor of time and communication. The reason is it splits up our routine evenly – generally,…Continue Reading